This is an armband the Burma Army forces Karen civilians to wear in relocation sites. It translates to "against the KNU". The villager this armband was issued to fled the camp and brought this out. Apparently the idea is to force the Karen people to give up their allegiance to the Karen National Union. This depicts clearly the mentality and technique the Burma Army uses alongside attacks on villages, forced labor, torture, rape, murder...
Reminds me of WWII doesn't it? Its very sad to see this kind of thing happening. Its frusterating! These people deserve better. I wish they could take over like our people did in the civil war. The corruptness is apparent and needs to be stopped!
In all seriousness write your congressman or woman. Ask for a response to where they stand on the issue of internally displaced people in Eastern Burma. Tell them you feel it's important for them to make a stand for the oppressed in Burma. God bless you Mary.
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