This blog has been created to post information about the film "Refugees Within". The film is to be about a refugee from Burma who joined the Free Burma Rangers, a humanitarian organization, to return to Burma's war zones to help his people. We will call him "Monkey" here to protect his identity. He is a filmmaker himself and his documentation of human rights abuses in Burma has been used in news, television, documentaries and by human rights campaigners through-out the world. He is a humble person, married, the father of two, and one can't help but admire his kindness and gentle spirit. I think you will love him.
In the picture above he is training other Free Burma Rangers to use video cameras. He is in fact saying "take care of the cameras, if you break it we might just as well throw it away." Relating to the expense of the cameras and the fact they were donated so they don't have the money to replace or even fix them. (jpeg courtesy FBR)
I will be traveling by foot into Burma soon to make this documentary. It will take 6 weeks and it has some dangers involved: malaria, exhaustion, attacks by the Burma Army, landmines laid by the Burma Army... please pray for us.
To learn more about the Free Burma Rangers visit their website: